My name is Roberto Lapis, I was born in Italy. Few years ago I chose Crete as my new home. I spent nine years in Costa Rica with my wife, where I studied, perfected and practiced different therapeutic disciplines. I love taking care of my clients, working mainly on an energetic, spiritual, mental and physical level, as I believe that well-being depends on the balance of these elements. I specialize in techniques of deep tissue massage and muscle stretching, holistic massage, trigger point, relief of muscle pain, energy healing techniques and reiki. After my recent trip to India, I integrated and deepened my knowledge and techniques of Ayurvedic massage Abyangam. Over the years I have created a personalized massage that includes the best nuances of every technique I have learned, giving a pleasant regenerating sensation of well-being. I believe that the best way to get to know yourself is to explore your emotional needs in order to discover what is best for you. Don’t miss such a healing treatment!

My name is Manuela Di Ienno, called Manu Diosa. I was born in Italy. I fell in love with Crete, where I decided to build my new life few years ago with my partner Roberto, a wellness therapist as well. I started my therapeutic studies about 20 years ago in Italy and I expanded my Knowledge of Oriental techniques in my trip to India and in Costa Rica, where I lived for nine years in full connection with nature and pure essence of life. I am also specialized in creating healthy macrobiotic foods, mainly vegetarian and gluten-free, and I like to share my knowledge in order to integrate a balanced and healthy lifestyle. I have a great passion for body care and well-being, both physical and mental. I am a certified therapist and facilitator of holding and leading sacred spaces, co’ed circles and 1:1 supportive session. I specialize in Ayurvedic massages, lymphatic drainage, hemolymphatic and energy healing techiques, deep tissue massage, facial treatments and corrective makeup. I have a great interest in Astrology and Human Design studies, Soul Collage Art Therapy and the deep journey to discover and liberate the purpose of one’s soul.
Over the years I have become passionate about the ceremonial celebration of life through ancient shamanic practices, sharing with women in sacred circles and love expressing my voice through singing and soul-freeing sounds. Through my personal experiences, my studies and my intuition I offer support to you, as a holistic therapist and healer. I really believe that looking after of yourself is the best gift you can give yourself, to experience the joy and the strenght of evolving into a conscious life. I can’t wait to meet you, treat you and take care of your entire being with dedicated passion, professionalism and love.