Hi everyone.
Today I want to briefly mention a problem that is increasingly on the rise lately, namely anxiety and panic attacks.
It is very interesting to note that this issue, together with the one I discussed in my last post on back pain, is closely related to the first chakra “Muladhara”. Personally, in my massage studio I treat cases of anxiety and panic attacks through Reiki sessions (for those who want more information on Reiki, I recommend visiting the page on the website https://www.zoecrete.com/reiki/ or my facebook page). More precisely for these cases, after an interview with the patient, I prefer to opt for mental Reiki, as we are going to transform the cause of the problem at the source.
When we live in a period of great upheaval, with changes that are reflected in our daily life and that we cannot control, as has been happening for a year now, our mind begins to project itself into the future, trying to imagine what it will be like. Here comes fear, anxiety, we feel destabilized, and in many cases it can manifest itself with panic attacks.
This can be associated with the uncertainty of what will be, such as the loss of work, the economic situation, family relationships, in short, with those things that give us stability and that make us feel well rooted and integrated in society.
On a psychosomatic level, panic is an inner vital energy that is held back and is not expressed; it is left stagnant, only to find an outlet and suddenly explode.
What symptoms can panic cause?
The sensations that are felt during one of these attacks are different, such as: cold and hot sweats, tachycardia, fainting, tremors, fear of losing control, dizziness, fear of dying, etc.
It can last about twenty minutes.
We can say that anxiety and panic are attempts by our unconscious, our emotional and mental body, to communicate something that we believe we are unable to cover, or very often we do not commit ourselves enough to do so, and if we delay in listening to it, it will manifest itself in a more aggressive and sudden way.
I want to give you some advice, through my personal experience, on how to control panic, when you find yourself in this situation.
Many years ago, I suffered from panic attacks myself, and I personally experienced all the symptoms listed above, I must tell you that they were terrible sensations. I started analyzing the situation, and I realized that it was related to my life change. I had quit my job and was moving to the other side of the world. I was leaving all my “certainties”, the economic certainty, of the house and the affections of family and friends, to head towards the dream I wanted to realize, but which at the moment had no security of any kind.
Through deep and conscious breathing, inhaling from the nose and bringing oxygen throughout the body, I gradually learned to control the heartbeat and free the mind that was always busy finding solutions in the future, to bring my attention back to the here and now and to calm the panic attack. This technique has helped me a lot. Over time, I learned to recognize the symptoms and control them on my own before they started.
Further and much deeper support is given by Reiki treatments, which intervene in a subtle and effective way at the root of the problem.
Reiki acts by starting a global process of energy rebalancing and working on any blocks and disharmonies. It favors the restoration of the right psycho-physical and emotional balance which are the basis of an “inner healing”. The action performed by Reiki is consequently very broad: it stimulates the opening and harmonization of the subtle energy centers, bringing a state of effective balance; it dissolves our blocks and traumas, often leading to the understanding of the causes that generated them; promotes a state of general well-being, serenity and relaxation. It is particularly effective in states of anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, panic attacks, emotional imbalances.
I hope that this brief hint on the psychosomatic meaning of panic attack can lead to reflection and that it inspires you to do a more in-depth research of yourself, of the causes that determine certain emotions, in order to know yourself better and make your life more healthy, aware and serene.
Thank you all.